EPDM coatings always strive to give you good roof repairing solutions and satisfy the needs of its customers. Through research developments and technological improvements, EPDM coatings are now designed in such a way to withstand the toughest climatic conditions and are compatible with the majority of roofs its residential roof, commercial roofs or RV roofs.

The main advantage of EPDM roof coatings is that they are durable, economical, performance proven and relatively very easy to use. EPDM roof coating products are one component product, which means they can be easily applied directly from the container as there is no need to mix any other component to them. The products are application friendly and also non-flammable.
Covid-19 Alert:Quoted “The Center for Disease Control recommends keeping a minimum distance of six feet between yourself and another person when out in public or while working on the job. And for roofing repairs or replacements, mostly all the work is done outside of your home, so you don’t have to worry about crew members while work is being completed. If the roof demands interior accessto inspect the attic or the roof deck, you can follow up guidelines with your roofing contractor to avoid the roofers coming into direct contact with household members.”
The coating in general we are talking about is Elastomeric roof coatings which is applied in viscous form. It is very elastic in nature and can withstand heat in the summer and cold in winter without becoming brittle or even cracking. Elastomeric coatings composition contain polymeric materials, such as acrylic, and a white pigment, such as titanium dioxide, to make them opaque and reflective. An elastomeric coating is normally applied thicker than paint.
An elastomeric roof coating is one that greatly resembles rubber once it’s applied. One of the main advantages of this particular form of coating is that it can be applied to so many different kinds of roofs. Elastomeric roof coatings are especially good for roofs made from modified bitumen or a single-ply application of PVC or TPO.
Also keen research from top roofers also acknowledge the water proofing characteristics of Elastomeric roof coatings. Elastomeric roof coatings can be applied to virtually any roof including asphalt built-up roofing, concrete roofing, metal roofing, modified bitumen roofing, polyurethane foam roofing and single ply roofing.
For everything you need to know about elastomeric roof coatings visit https://www.epdmcoatings.com/blogs/2012/01/elastomeric-roof-coatings-proofs-to-be-best-water-resistant-coatings/