There is no misconception regarding the advantages of roof coating for just about any roof and the roof itself. Whether it’s a home, commercial building or even a warehouse, the roof should be strong enough to provide shelter from outside elements. Roof leaks will happen and when they occur you need to act fast to solve the issue. Many options are available but none of them is better than EPDM Liquid Rubber roof coating.

Immune to Most Climates:
EPDM roof coatings can withstand low temperatures all the way down to -40 F without cracking or becoming brittle. Also, if you live in an area where climate is warmer don’t worry EPDM roof coatings can handle anything up to 300 F. EPDM roof coatings can benefit in savings in-terms of energy costs as they act as insulation over the roof where it belongs.
Repair and Maintenance:
EPDM roof coatings need very little maintenance at all. Only you need to do is periodic maintenance and cleaning of the roof to remove any debris and loose material. Keeping the roof clean and debris free also enhances the life of the roofing system and hence the life of the building.
EPDM roof coatings are very durable and long-lasting. EPDM roofing associations have conducted a study where they have examined various EPDM roof coatings about 30 years old. They have come to the conclusion that even after 3 decades, the EPDM roof coatings maintained a high degree of tensile strength, as if it were new.
Installing EPDM:
Installing EPDM roof coating like EPDM Liquid Rubber is very easy as EPDM Liquid Rubber is a true DIY product. EPDM Liquid Rubber goes on like a paint material and the application of the product is with nap rollers and squeegee. Apply the product, spread it evenly and let it cure under the sun. When it comes to putting a roof coating over your roof, it is hard to find a better option than EPDM Liquid Rubber.
To learn how liquid EPDM stands out from the competition visit,