With all many products and services available on the market for property owners, architects and roof contractors, a roof coating is a necessity. While a roof certainly can function without the roof coating, there are so many benefits that roof coating offers which makes their usage unavoidable.
What Are Roof Coatings?
Having said enough, a question that is commonly asked is” what are roof coatings…?”Roof coatings are basically the combination of chemicals used to coat the roof surface thereby protecting the roof from external elements and Mother Nature’s destructive forces. Generally roof coatings are made up of rubber or polymer and come in liquid form which can be easily applied like a paint material using rollers or sprayers.

The Benefits of Coating Your Roof
Roof coatings help to save money in the long run. This happens because when the roof is properly sealed off, it will less prone to outside damage. Less damage means less leak repairs and fewer expenses.
A roof with white coating or reflective coating will not absorb sunlight, it will reflect it. This reflective property will keep the building cooler thereby reducing the energy needs for air-conditioning. This will not result in business savings but will also help to reduce carbon footprint.
Roof coating benefits in extending the life of the roof. Extra life means you can wait for years before roof replacement and potentially prevent roof material ending up in the landfill.
To apply a roof coating e.g., EPDM Coatings, you will need paint brushes, nap rollers and some extensions. Before you start applying coating you will first have to clean the roof surface to remove excess debris and oil and any other loose material. Once the roof is clean and dry apply one gallon of roof coating to cover 100 sq.ft to have a thick layer. If, it’s desirable apply two layers of coating giving the first one adequate time to dry. Depending upon chemical qualities a roof coating will take some time to cure and once cured it will give a smooth finish in the end.
Read more about product, application, and technical specs at https://www.epdmcoatings.com/liquid-rubber.php or visit, https://www.epdmcoatings.com/blogs/2013/11/how-roof-coatings-can-stop-leaks-before-they-ever-happen/ to read more about the benefits of roof coatings.